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Detective Fabulares

Detective Fabulares is a point-and-click game. You are the Detective and have been assigned a murder case, your job is to collect all the clues of the crime scene and find out who the killer is.

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  • Heleen Kesseler (Artist)

  • Lisanne Picker (Designer)

  • Jan van Gelderen (Engineer)

  • Linde van Weerd (Engineer)

Crime scene of detective fabulares

The project took us 2 weeks


If you want to find out more about Detective Fabulares visit its website here

This was a Group project, we called ourselves Sleepy Elf Entertainment.







My role for this project was engineer, but I also covered some of the design aspects. Among other responsibilities I was in charge of creating the menu interaction, the click-ability of clues, the sound design and implementation and the editing of texts.


Detective Fabulares was made in Processing using Java.

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