Detective Fabulares
Detective Fabulares is a point-and-click game. You are the Detective and have been assigned a murder case, your job is to collect all the clues of the crime scene and find out who the killer is.
Heleen Kesseler (Artist)
Lisanne Picker (Designer)
Jan van Gelderen (Engineer)
Linde van Weerd (Engineer)
The project took us 2 weeks
If you want to find out more about Detective Fabulares visit its website here
This was a Group project, we called ourselves Sleepy Elf Entertainment.
My role for this project was engineer, but I also covered some of the design aspects. Among other responsibilities I was in charge of creating the menu interaction, the click-ability of clues, the sound design and implementation and the editing of texts.
Detective Fabulares was made in Processing using Java.